Kim is a registered and licensed occupational therapist (PA, NJ, NY, and DE) and a 500-hour certified yoga instructor (Kripalu and Pranakriya styles).
Kim obtained her master’s degree in occupational therapy (OT) from Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia in 2006 and her post-professional doctorate in OT from Chatham University in Pittsburgh in 2015. She is a full-time Associate Professor at Jefferson in the Occupational Therapy Department.
Kim applies a holistic and facilitative approach in all coaching and therapy sessions. Her extensive integrative health background allows Kim to view each one of her clients (and families!) as unique experts in their own lives; she continually aims to partner and empower while also supporting the necessary skill development that can provide independence and autonomy in desired environments at home, in school, at work, or in the community. Appreciative of the differences among us, Kim’s therapeutic approach is diverse, equitable, and inclusive; she provides care for all individuals, regardless of their race, religion, gender identification, or sexual orientation. She specializes in the treatment of executive functioning deficits, non-verbal learning disorders, ADHD, anxiety, mood disorders (depression and bipolar), trauma, autism, fine and gross motor planning disorders, and visual perceptual disorders.
Kim considers herself an eternal student and participates in classes, workshops, and trainings as often as possible.
Occupational therapy certifications (beyond required state licensure):
- Comprehensive training in
the administration of the Sensory Integration and Praxis Test (SIPT): USC/Western Psychological Services Sensory Integration Certification #3628
Occupational therapy peer-reviewed publications:
- Barrett, M., McNabb, S., Mollo, K., Schneider, E., & Corlett, T. (2022). An exploration of an interprofessional embedded educational model between occupational therapy and industrial design: A qualitative hermeneutical phenomenological inquiry. International Journal of Technology and Design Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10798-022-09797-4
- Mollo, K., Adams, K., Berger, A., Schneider, E. & Corlett, T. (2022). Empowering individuals with limited joint mobility: An embedded interdisciplinary program between occupational therapy and industrial design. Human Factors in Accessibility and Assistive Technology, 37, 158-167. https://openaccess.cms-conferences.org/publications/book/978-1-958651-13-1/article/978-1-958651-13-1_19 and https://openaccess.cms-conferences.org/publications/book/978-1-958651-13-1 and http://doi.org/10.54941/ahfe1001655
- Mollo, K., Peterson, M., Brown, R. (2022). Faculty perspectives on interprofessional collaborations between occupational therapy and industrial design: A qualitative ethnographic inquiry. Journal of Accessibility and Design for All, 12(1), 76-115. https://doi.org/10.17411/jacces.v12i1.360
- Brown, R., Mollo, K., Peterson, M., Avery, M., Schneider, E., & Corlett, T. (2021). Insights from an inaugural eight-month interprofessional collaborative co-design educational experience between occupational therapy and industrial design. Journal of Accessibility and Design for All, 11(1), 148-177. https://doi.org/10.17411/jacces.v11i1.296
- Mollo, K. S., DeAngelis, T. M., Capron, M., & Wells, S. (2021). Student perspectives and standardized patient feedback on an innovative simulated patient encounter. Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 5 (2). https://encompass.eku.edu/jote/vol5/iss2/13
- Merz, J. A., Nakasuji, B., & Mollo, K. S. (2020). Occupational therapy group programming for adolescents with developmental and learning disabilities: A retrospective documentation review. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 8(3), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.15453/2168-6408.1675
- DeAngelis, T., Mollo, K., Giordano, C., Scotten, M., & Fecondo B. (2019). Occupational therapy programming facilitates goal attainment in a community work rehabilitation setting. Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health, 6(1), 107-115. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40737-018-00133-5
- Mollo, K., Merizalde, B. A., & Lape, J. (2018). Increasing competency for parents of adolescents with executive functioning deficits: Enhancing occupational performance with mindfulness. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 6(3), Article 9. https://doi.org/10.15453/2168-6408.1445
Select occupational therapy workshops and trainings:
- Practical Strategies to Help Individuals Rally Their Motivation (2024)
- Empower Listening and Learning at Home and at School (2024)
- QPR Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Program (2023)
- Executive Functioning Development: Helping Kids Create an Internal Narrative (2022)
- Jefferson’s 4th Annual Philadelphia Trauma Training Conference: Supporting Adaptation, Transformation, and Health in the Wake of Trauma (2021)
- Buffering Against Burnout, Institute of Coaching, McLean, Harvard Medical School (2021)
- Jefferson’s 3rd Annual Philadelphia Trauma Training Conference: Promoting Equitable Access to High-Quality Services for Vulnerable Children and Familiies (2019)
- National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavior (NICABM): Expert Strategies for Working with Anxiety (2019)
- National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavior (NICABM): How to Work with a Client’s Resistance (2018)
- Screen, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT): Substance Use Foundations Training for Occupational Therapists (2018)
- Learn it Today, Use it Tomorrow! Practical, Cutting Edge Interventions for Improving Executive Function Skills in Students (2018)
- Social Thinking Global Providers’ Conference (2017)
- Learning Without Tears K-5 Handwriting Workshop (2017)
- Optimizing Executive Function: Strategy-Based Intervention in Children and Adults (2016)
- American Occupational Therapy Association’s Annual Conferences (2007-2011, 2014-2019)
- American Occupational Therapy Association’s Education Summit Conferences (2014 and 2016)
- Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association’s Annual Conferences (2012-2014)
- Penn’s Program for Mindfulness: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course (MBSR) (2013)
- Executive Dysfunction: Effective Strategies for Children and Adolescents (2011)
- Clear Light Meditation Foundation Programs (2013-2014)
- Intervention for Children with Avoidant or Restrictive Food Intake Disorder: Selective Eating (2010)
- The Get Permission Approach to Sensory Mealtime Challenges (2009)
Yoga certifications:
- 200-hour Basic Yoga Teacher Certification Training through Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health
- 40-hour Ashtanga Primary Series Certification Training through David Swenson
- Next Generation Yoga for Children (2-7 year olds)
- 500-hour Advanced Teacher Certification Training through Yoganand Michael Carroll’s Pranakriya Yoga Program.
Yoga workshops attended:
- Dance into Joy with Jurian Hughes and Jovina Chan
- Will & Surrender: The Teachings of Swami Kripalu with Jurian Hughes and Charlyn Reihman
- The Energy Intensive with Sudhir Jonathan Foust and Shobhan Richard Faulds
- Posture Assisting Techniques with Yoganand Michael Carroll
- Restorative Yoga with Sudha Carolyn Lundeen
- Spiritual Awakening through Kripalu Yoga with Shobhan Richard Faulds
- Partner Yoga with Todd Norian and Ann Greene
- Yoga Therapy Intensive: Approaches for Chronic Disease and Emotional Conditions with Gary Kraftsow
- Vibrant Visionary Collage: Your Artist Journal as a Creative Sanctuary with Karen Arp-Sandel
- The Radiance of Being with Yoganand Michael Carroll and Owen Ash
- Understanding the Bhagavad Gita with Yoganand Michael Carroll
- Understanding the Hatha Yoga Pradipika with Yoganand Michael Carroll
- Teaching Meditation with Yoganand Michael Carroll
- Functional Anatomy and Therapeutic Yoga with Yoganand Michael Carroll
- Advanced Pranayama with Yoganand Michael Carroll
Select peer-reviewed presentations:
- July 2022: Empowering Individuals with Limited Joint Mobility: An Embedded Interdisciplinary Program between Occupational Therapy and Industrial Design. Poster Presentation at Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference (AHFE), New York, NY. Presentation: https://jdc.jefferson.edu/otpresentations/72/
- May 2021: Inclusive Design for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities. Celebration of Innovation Virtual Event, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJg-MPSfmmY
- April 2019: The Occupational Designer: Forging New Frontiers Through a Capstone Experience. American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference: Poster Session
- June 2017: Design is NOT Just for Designers: Use Design Thinking & Interprofessional Hackathon Design Events to Innovate Your Curriculum or Clinical Practice. Thomas Jefferson University’s Faculty Days: Keynote Address. https://jdc.jefferson.edu/tjufacultydays/51/
- April 2017: Universal Design for Learning Techniques and Tips for Occupational Therapy Education. American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference: (SIS) EDSIS Annual Program
- April 2016: Teaching Mindfulness to Parents of Adolescents with Executive Functioning Deficits to Support Caregiving Skills. American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference: Poster Session
- April 2016: The Current Climate of Teaching—Accommodations, Legal Rights, and Effective Strategies. American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference: (SIS) EDSIS Annual Program
- April 2015: Behavior Change: Applying the Transtheoretical Model to Classroom and Clinic. American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference: (SIS) EDSIS Faculty Subsection Buzz Session
- November 2014: Creating Behavior Change: Habits, Routines, and Lifestyles! Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association State Conference: Presentation
- April 2011: The Use of Kripalu Yoga to Increase Occupational Performance in Sensory Over-Responsive Adults: Evidence and Implications, Philadelphia, PA. American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference: Poster Session
- April 2009: The Use of Kripalu Yoga to Increase Occupational Performance in Sensory Over-Responsive Individuals Across the Lifespan, Houston, TX. American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference: Short Course
- April 2008: The Use of Kripalu Yoga to Decrease Sensory Over-Reactivity: Implications for Improving Occupational Performance in Individuals with Sensory Defensiveness, Long Beach, CA. American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference: Short Research Paper
Kim is a registered member of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) and the Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association (POTA).